[Info] Pokemon >3000cp loose Motivation really fast!

the CP/motivation decay system as currently implemented is pretty absurd, there's nothing inherent about crossing the 3000cp threshold that magically makes pokemon super strong and in need of being heavily penalized. why should a 3001 cp pokemon have its motivation decay 10 times faster than one at 2999, even though they are 99.9% identical? if they are doing away with the CP system for gym slot placement, why are they still using it to determine motivation decay within gyms?

it doesn't remotely make sense because four of the seven 3000+ cp pokemon (tyranitar, dragonite, rhydon, gyarados) have double weaknesses and were already widely seen as being relatively soft, weak, mediocre, and easy to kill, and they were just now made even worse as defenders with this update's increase to super effective damage.

i currently have more than 40 defenders maxed out over 3000cp, each of which cost about ~220,000 stardust assuming that on average you start from level 20. that's well over 9 MILLION stardust and thousands of candies spent on defenders that have now essentially been rendered unusable as defenders under the current system. these are what i've invested most of the enormous amount of time and effort i've spent playing this game.

i know some people will say "you can just use them as attackers", but blissey and snorlax are not good gym attackers (though they would be good for PvP), since they take far longer to do damage than almost anything else because of their relatively low attack stat. and you don't need a dozen dragonites, snorlaxes, or vaporeons (no, i did not spoof or bot for them, thanks though) to attack with. their only use was to be put in gyms, which you also can't do anymore since you are limited to 20 anyways. as much good as this update has the potential to do, unless something changes it has really screwed over some of the most dedicated players for no conceivably logical reason.

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread