It's insane how far we've come in 20 years [Tomb Raider]

Alright man, looking forward to the build. You're right in terms of the pure usage. There are way more things you can do on a PC that you can't do or are way more limited in (such as web browsing) on a console.

No I'm not saying that a brick wall is the same as graphical processing of a £1000 PC, but instead what I am saying is talking from a purely graphical assessment, in the heat of the gameplay, how much extra detail or bettered graphics are you really seeing on that PC over an Xbox One? Framerate wise I completely agree. 60 FPS is way better than 30 FPS and that is the most obvious notice on PC builds that can run games at equivalent graphics or above.

My main issue is not being able to run a game at console settings, let alone 60 FPS AND console settings, with this overpriced Alienware Alpha PC I've bought with admittedly stupid decision making. I don't know which PC parts add better performance for better value and all that jazz.

Mods are cool, but to an extent. I do enjoy them for Skyrim and they're nothing but a positive boost. However take a game like GTA V and you aren't allowed to even enter multiplayer with a mod without getting banned, even if it isn't gameplay altering. Those kind of situations kind of kill the moddding perspective for me. Not only that but most moddable games are games I've already played. Do you think it's worth revisiting games simply due to mod usage?

In all honesty I'm completely fine with 1080p, as long as I could run every game at console equivalent settings (preferably at a completely steady and consistent 60 FPS). I'm broke now due to this Alienware Alpha purchase but I'll start saving for the build you post.

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