Insults and shill accusations fly in /r/askreddit over whether or not Hillary Clinton stole the primary from Bernie Sanders. [Reposted because surplus political drama]

And what does correcting the record mean? Open pointing of facts.

It means something wasn't correct and is being corrected. The level of opacity is determined by the corrector, but it does have a feeling of being an Open pointing of facts.

No where does it mention that there are accounts under cover pretending to be Hillary supporters

I don't think there are shills per say, but there could be an account that just links positive Hillary posts not necessarily communicating father than that.

And you way overestimate the importance of reddit. Reddit has never influenced or changed a thing and never will. It would have been completely useless to spend time, money and effort on reddit because of its nature

I'd say Reddit has more importance than maybe you think. In about 10-20 years if Reddit is still here then it would be the the most influential place for a candidate to be on. I mean influential as in, a big sway-er of most peoples opinions, not some grand beautiful entity (influential is generally used in association with great/respected people so I want to make the distinction).

The young people on this site are having their opinions given to them before it sets and becomes who they are. This election alone has created many new forever left future voters.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent