iPool party

Let me help you out with this one (or not but I am going to try) Saying pine apple does not belong on pizza is like saying olives don't belong in spaghetti, mt. dew does not go with vodka and you cannot have macaroni and cheese for breakfast and waffles for dinner. We have gotten this far with food because we experiment, I doubt there is any more than a few substances on Earth a human has not tried to ingest. Yes, we have certain standards- we enjoy cultural norms like waffles for breakfast and meat sauce on pasta but we also enjoy norms like petroleum based modes of transportation and paying for education. If we don't experiment and try different things, if we don't explore and embrace the unusual, how will we ever get better? It may not be the thing you like, or want to embrace (maybe you like a good a diesel engine) but I don't believe anyone way of eating pizza should be stamped out, just like any line of research shouldn't be cut off before we see the final result. Maybe, maybe...pineapple is the gateway to to other kinds of pizza- someone stoner in a basement will try it and decide to make a whole new kind of pizza a kind of pizza that will change the way we view food for good. Food, like the universe, is ours to experiment with, to learn from and help develop a stronger and more sustainable human race.

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