Irish Times exit poll projects Ireland has voted by landslide to remove constitutional ban on abortion

I meant argument as in ‘a set of reasons in support of an opinion’.

But it’s not a fact. Saying that one cannot understand a woman’s decision to an abortion, therefore we must support that decision, is not a fact. That’s an opinion.

Trust me, I am thinking about what you are saying. You just aren’t providing compelling arguments for abortion. I don’t know why you had to turn this contentious. Pro-abortion individuals are always saying it’s the other side that is judgmental, but it doesn’t look like that right now.

Yes, child illnesses and orphans are sad. More people should be adopting and doing charitable work. You ask me how many kids I’ve adopted, and I’ll ask you how many hours or how much money you’ve donated to a children’s hospital or orphanage.

Also, you cannot conflate orphans with abortion. The solution to child illnesses and poverty is not killing more children. The solution to orphans is not killing more children. Those children are innocent.

In my opinion, a better solution would be to create a world where all children can live. A world where abortion isn’t a solution. Why doesn’t the pro-choice side spend more time advocating for orphanages and under privileged children if that is really the driving force for abortions?

But it’s not the reason. Two million children from 2011 to 2016 in the US were not aborted because there were other children in the world who were needy. If that was the case, every woman who had an abortion would go out and adopt a child. But that doesn’t happen because, again, that’s not the reason. That’s a ridiculous argument.

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