Is Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism as aspect of U.S. politics today?

Oh look at your beacon of tolerance and hope; Turkey today.

but they are as economical stable as South American Catholic majority country. Their economic progress has very little to do with religion, and everything to do with the first world/third world dichotomy.

They are way worse off in terms of not only economic but also social freedom and equality.

Conservatives in Muslim majority country like Turkey or Bangladesh are not pushing for age old interpretations of religious scriptures.

Yeah? But what about that bombing today? Isnt that an effort to oush those ideas through violence, which is rampant in this way throughout the muslim world? Islam itself bred that type of violence. Nothing else.

There is a difference between an islamist and an islamic conservative, just like there is a difference between Christian conservatives and hard line evangelicals who support teaching creationism, denying evolution and climate change.

Yeah, except hardline evangelicals dont go around bombing civilians indiscriminantly when they meet public opposition. Big difference.

Christian family values have fostered freedom? I beg your pardon? What about women's rights, their freedom to control their sexuality, the sexual revolution (birth pill), rights and equal treatment of homosexuals, gender equality in the work place etc?

Allbpassed by christian majorities in congress and the oval office. Literally all of them. And continuing to work towards it too.

they have come from the liberal notions of freedom.

Liberal christian notions of freedom.

Conservatives STILL by and large subscribe to the the idea that a women's place in society is at home with her children.

No. They dont. Girls from even ultra conservative families go to school and college and get jobs. They have that choice and even if their family disagrees, they will not be killed or splashed with acid for disobeying their husbands.

Dictators such as the Saudi royals are Western supported.

The saudi monarchy is widely respected in their country.

And that is the only one you can come up with? Case in point.

I am afraid your definition of what Islam is supposed to be and what Islamism is are quite inaccurate.

The Koran, followed almost verbatim throughout the muslim world, is pretty clear. I think it is you who does not understand that the very few small countries where Islam is "moderate" compared to true islamic culture (barbaric as hell still compared to western culture) is an obvious outlier.

You ask me to show you a country where you can criticze "Islam" but what is this Islam supposed to be?

A religion that is able to tolerate scrutiny. It doesnt though. It actively and violently responds to scrutiny. Islam is an ideology.

The scripture as interpreted by conservatives? The scripture as interpreted by extremists?

The only difference between conservative and extremist interpretation is active violence.

If you talk about whether most people in Islamic countries would be comfortable with the idea of drawing and insulting Muhammad, you're right. That is not going to happen for a long time

And that is exactly the problem. We in the west know that WE can tolerate islam, but it is incredibly clear that islam cannot tolerate us. They cannot deal with criticism, or a fucking cartoon, or live by our laws. That is the heart of the issue. Islam is the biggest problem facing the world today and if we allow islamic culture to grow within our own borders, it will be our demise.

Just as Americans cannot even think of the idea of an atheist president who shits on religion anytime soon.

But if one did, we wouldn't go out and kill athiests and the athiests wouldnt go out and kill christians. Bickering is about all that it would amount to.

I personally think you are quite ignorant about the Muslim world and base your knowledge on headlines that you see on Western media.

I think it is you, who completely ignores statistical facts. Read through the whole PDF report from 2013 by Pew. It is THE most comprehensive public opinion poll ever conducted in the muslim world. My opinion is informed by fact. Yours seems to be informed by anecdotal experience interacting with priveleged muslims in the west. There is a reason people are willing to die to get to the west with their families and it isnt because they just didnt like their country.

Turn to a national channel in a country like Malaysia and you'll see conservatives and liberals debate everyday.

Liberalism in Malaysia is drastically more conservative than even the far christian right in America. They are not one in the same in any regard. Not even close.

Nobody is debating whether women should be flogged or whatever, that is considered loony and extremist. But there certainly is a debate about how best to shape a society, whehter according to conservative religious principles or according to liberal and secular ones.

Yet they still do that shit everywhere. And the fact that they have yet to implement a free and tolerant society in any of those countries is an example of that.

The thing is, islam is the antithesis of humanism and equality. They have yet to evolve socially over the last 1400 years. If you believe in Humanism and equality and tolerance, islam is something you can never consider acceptable in its current form as being any of those things. Open your eyes.

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