Israel Defense Minister: “In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State."

Did you read exactly what Ayatollah Khamenei wants to do to Israel? And if you did, did you give it any more than a passing thought?

I'd like to address them point by point and see where they differ from, wipe "wipe Israel off the map" in a conventional meaning.

1) He accuses the "fake Zionist regime" of many atrocities. Israel isn't perfect and doesn't have a clean record, but no country on earth, Iran included, can boast such. That being said, of course there is room for improvement, just like in Iran where they detain, beat, and sodomise protesters, as well as publicly execute homosexuals.

2) Says elimination of Israel doesn't mean genocide, but a dissolution of the government and mass deportation of the existing Jewish population. Where would they go? How is this a "practical and logical mechanism" as is claimed.

3) Organize a referendum of Palestinians, Christians, and Jews and create a new Republic. Except all of the Jews currently living there are not allowed to take part in this process.

4) This new government dominated by Palestinians, gets to decide whether or not to deport all the Jews living in Israel. And when/if they are deported, deported to where?

5) The referendum will happen because international pressure will overwhelm Israel's government? That's clearly working today...

6) Until this referendum takes place, everyone should kill Israelis, especially armed civilians.

7) Arm the West Bank, so that they can 'take revenge' on Israelis in the style of Gaza. He's advocating attacks on civilians.

8) He clarifies that national militaries shouldn't attempt to conquer Israel (probably because they'd get spanked and he knows it), and that a UN brokered deal is unacceptable. This is contradictory to what he aims for in point 5.

9) Gaza's rocket attacks aimed at civilians, to which Israel retaliates and commits "crimes against the palestinian people". I'm sure he's referencing the bombing of homes, schools, and hospitals, while ignoring that Hamas stores weapons in homes, schools, and hospitals, as well as launching rocket attacks from populated civilian areas, as well as forbidding civilians from leaving those areas, so that their body count can be used a propaganda tool.

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