I've been alone my entire life and I don't want to do it anymore.

Hey there! I too suffer from depression (diagnosed with MDD), did you know that this illness wants to isolate you?

Of course, this is just one website, please don't take my word for it!

I've often felt the way you have. In fact, I often avoid conversation with people because "i'm stupid and they won't want to talk to me". Do you think depression could be causing this to happen with us?

Why can't you cut it in this society? (You don't have to answer, I'm just not sure I understand.) It seems to me, that you provide for your immediate needs (i.e. home, food).

Have you looked into a [minimalist community](https://www.theminimalists.com/community/]? Full disclosure: I know next to nothing about minimalists but maybe they'll share your dislike of material desires?

Please don't give up your hobbies. One thing I do, if I have "chores" to do that day, I complete all my requirements before moving on to my hobbies. That way if I binge play a video game all day, I'm not upset because I've already done everything I need to! lol

I hope you feel better!!

/r/SuicideWatch Thread