Jagex need to give up trying to revive deep wilderness

I mean coming into RS3 a while ago, I could see that the game is truly based around high-level bossing. The game is about endgame bossing.

This really makes any other activity a leisurely activity once you can boss and really it completely comes to change the definition of the game. For people who boss well.

I'm not an OSRS player so I have a harder time judging but I would argue that from what I've seen, it's also a similar process. If you want deep wildy activity to continue existing, you would need to have the game not go in a direction which changes it to be about endgame bossing or other activities. The game was originally designed with the wildy more or less in mind, after a certain point. Like, the wildy is an important expansion to the game. But other aspects which have been developed really don't take into account the wildy anymore.

And don't assume that jagex doesn't pull ideas from OSRS to RS3 and vice versa, they do.

I lost membership and randomly decided to go to burthrope games room one day. I saw people there, more than I've ever seen in clan wars just pking for fun.

Hopped in with a magic shortbow and just joined in and killed people for no reason whatsoever and had the greatest and dumbest fun I've had in years in a game. But I haven't gone back despite how fun it was. Because rs3 is just about every minute spent is about some kind of rush or grind. So OSRS could very well go in that direction too.

/r/2007scape Thread