Just one of many problems with that train of thought

I went to college in the late 80s, and it was expensive then! I spent a lot of money on college loans, got into the real world, got a great job that paid well, FINALLY got my loans paid, AND THEN promptly had a career ending and almost life ending heart attack and stroke. I mean, if it was gonna happen either happen right before my final grace period went away, or in my late 60s.

And I absolutely am 100% ok with cancelling all student debt right this second.

We don't even have to look at it as "canceling student debt", forget individual lives for a second and look at it as a purely capitalist "economic stimulus" program. A hundred grand or quarter of a million bucks in debt, before interest, clean slate?

if somebody could convince Trump that it would set the economy and Wall Street on fire -- all that money suddenly available to spend on houses and cars and refrigerators and Home Depot? Not to mention all the white babies (they'll just not tell him about the non white babies) and how good those economic numbers and stock market numbers would make HIM look, which is all that matters?

"Mr President, cancel all the debt and those Millenials will buy houses and elect you to SIX whole presidents! SEVEN WHOLE PRESIDENTS if you make textbooks free!"

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Link - i.redd.it