Jan Van Hooff visits chimpanzee "Mama", 59 years old and very sick. The chimp recognizes her old friend.

I usually don't mix politics with other subject matter. It was an opportunity to mock number 45 by demeaning him but I ended up insulting the ape species. I hope this chimp was not held in captivity in a store like Ivan. I felt bad for this gorilla when I saw him up in Tacoma stuck in a room in the middle of a department store while stationed at Fort Lewis. It is sad and pathetic what Humans do to animals of the wild. Here's a link to a story about Ivan if you want to be sickened, depressed and angry about poor Ivan the gorilla..........https://www.historylink.org/file/20534#:\~:text=On%20March%204%2C%201967%2C%20the,brought%20to%20Tacoma%20in%201964.

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