Jaw Surgery or Face Lift

It was definitely me. A my friend had told him to come dance with her friend (which I had not asked her to do). I could see how excited he was until he turned and saw my face. He panicked and put his hands up saying “please no please no.” It could have been drugs, but my treatment hasn’t been kind.

I was laughed at while driving a month and and a half ago by a car of young men. You hear the window roll down and the laughter and mocking. Most just don’t want to interact. I was bullied and ostracized middle school through college. I’ve never been cat called but had animal noises made at me. I’ve only had one romantic interest who didn’t approach as a joke or only for sex. It’s not one occurrence. I’m at the age now where I can write it off as awkwardness and growing pains. I’ve been told I’m disgusting and to off myself. There is a certain consistency of treatment when you have to admit that it isn’t projection anymore. I’m just sick of being treated like a subhuman.

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