8 days post DJS and lower lip and chin are 100% numb. I know it takes time but since there’s 0 sensation I’m terrified it will be like this forever.

Your nerves and nerve endings have been moved around a lot and been "damaged" during the procedure and takes time to repair themselves. Mine wasnt as bad as your sounds but my left part of my mouth below the lower lip was completely numb and now after a month I can feel a lot.

Its gone from a 1/10 feeling to about a 8/10 in about 4 weeks. For you its only been 8 days so I'm pretty sure you'll regain feeling like i did. Very numb for 2 1/2 week and then the numbness starts to degrade over time. You gonna have some fun with the electric shock feelings when your nerves start to repair. Theres no pain to them but i can tell you it one of the most surreal things i felt

/r/jawsurgery Thread