Jerry Nadler: We have impeachment resolutions before the House Judiciary Committee

Biden has been responsible for a far higher death toll globally than Trump. His domestic policies would be nearly indistinguishable from Trump’s in the grand scheme of things. And he’s a creepy, lecherous old man.

The one meaningful thing he would be a noticeable improvement over Trump on would be (hopefully) shutting down the concentration camps, but I wouldn’t put it past Biden to just find a more PC version of these “detention centers” that centrists wouldn’t fuss about, much like the mass deportations that presidents of both parties supported and continued over the years.

Other than that, the difference would mainly be “civility” and other empty platitudes.

To be clear, I think Trump is absolutely atrocious and represents a newly emboldened public support for fascism, but Biden is absolutely not the answer to that problem. Voting Biden just tells the establishment we’ll keep voting for anti-worker, (probably) racist politicians that will improve our lives in no real way, so long as the other side has an even worse guy running.

Hopefully they already learned that lesson trying and failing to run Hillary, but I’d rather people not take any chances.

And yes, I realize my assessment of Biden is controversial and I’m happy to discuss it, but I’m just not sold on the (Dem = good) paradigm. I’m ideological, but not partisan. Biden and Trump are both incredibly far from representing me ideologically.

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