Jessica Yaniv — a couple questions

I also take issue with your question marking a line between women and trans people. Trans people are women, so the issue of bathrooms is not “women versus trans people.”

I apologize for that, that was not intended. You answered my questions thoroughly and I appreciate it. I do have one follow up.

Why should the comfort of a cis woman supersede the comfort of a trans woman? If we’re to say only ‘female presenting’ individuals should use ‘women’s’ restrooms, how do we distinguish? What about a butch woman — will she look too masculine?

Fair enough. Yaniv said in this debate that at the time she entered the women’s bathroom and took those photos, she had just begun hormone therapy, so she had only transitioned in name. She said that all that is required in Canada to legally change your gender is to fill out a form and have it signed by an official. What about the idea that a change of gender requires that a medical attempt at transition has been underway for a period of time?

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