"Jesus loved you so much that He died for you."

As someone who is reformed/Calvinistic in their soteriology, I think we tend to assume that because we believe in limited atonement, we can’t say in our presentation of the Gospel that Jesus died for their sin. As people who believe in limited atonement, we know that there might be an issue with it in terms whether or not we are deceiving those who might not be elect. But that’s the precisely the thing - we don’t know whether or not they are elect or not, so the statement we’re saying could be true.

That being said, we probably shouldn’t be rolling the dice when it comes to whether or not someone is elect, because that is contained in the mind of God and is not revealed to us. What I have done in evangelism is instead of saying “Jesus died for your sin,” I say “Jesus died for sinners like you and me.” It gets across the the same heart, but doesn’t cross that line of presuming someone’s state before God.

/r/Reformed Thread