Well guys, they're at it again

I don't get it. DID is interesting enough on it's own. There are so many good ideas that could be done in a respectful way that would make amazing and original content. Why is it that it's always horror fiction writers who are drawn to our condition and make stories about us? Where are the people who take it seriously and use it in a respectful way. It would be like if every person in a wheel-chair character was always in some kind of movie about how helpless and weak they are or something else ableist. I don't know. It's just frustrating and exhausting, and it honestly just makes no sense now adays.

The whole DID is scary or whatever is so overdone, that even if it's possible to have a horror movie or two involving it, where are the 99% of movies and stuff that reflect in a more realistic or positive way??? And if those types of movies were ever interesting to a general audience, you'd think they'd be bored to tears by now at the idea?

/r/DID Thread