Tear gas used to disperse protesters outside Arizona Capitol building, officials say

Yeah, the last protest I went to was a couple years ago now in August 2017, I believe. It was to protest Trump being in town for a rally at the convention center and I remember standing at the barricades with my sister, everyone was chill (people were singing that Move Trump chant with drums), and then suddenly more and more cops in all their gear started exiting the convention center right across the street and lined up facing all of us. Now I'll say that a few people lobbed some water bottles in their direction but they literally went nowhere, it certainly wasn't anything worth a police response. But then it wasn't even a few minutes later that the police started popping off either tear gas or those pepper bomb things, I'm not sure what the difference is but it was definitely not pleasant. There were literally people in wheelchairs and kids there but of course the police didn't give a shit.

Anyway, so when I heard about this earlier I was just like, "Of course they did."

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