Julian Assange Explains Why Voting for Hillary Clinton Will ‘Spread Terrorism’

To say she is somehow better qualified than Trump does more or less make you fan, sorry to say.

Many republicans may have distanced themselves from Bush. But no front runner has ever directly accused him of lying about the war. So stop trying to downplay that.

I agree with that stance but even if trump did say that, it doesn't make him a good politician or person.

Dude, it makes him a fucking rock star for saying that. These are some of the biggest criminals of our times, and he's calling them out on TV. Here he is talking about Bush knowing about 911 before it happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Er0MrWIQa4&feature=youtu.be&t=63

And if you think he'll stand up to putin you're a fool. Putin will fucking eat trump for breakfast. Trump will be putin's henchmen.

This reads like a quote from whatever shitty news commentator. The whole idea that he needs to really stand up to Putin has gotten us where we are today. He needs to build a mutually respectful friendship with Putin. From what we have seen, Putin actually respects Trump. Our policies against Russia and our involvement with Georgia destroyed our friendship from the 90s, and of course Hillary has helped that along.

This is how it used to be, and how it could potentially be in the future: http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/11/clinton-yeltsin-P.jpeg

He's against TPP, which Hillary has been trying to push for years. That's a pretty huge deal that's been all over Reddit. But perhaps that isn't substantive enough for you.


You might not have been directly effected by this yet, but the Chinese are making bank off of us through manipulation of their currency and shitty trade deals. We are bleeding jobs out of the country to Mexico and Asia. The Chinese are essentially stealing our wealth and are rapidly buying US companies which in turn steals more of our wealth. This is literally the future of our country we are talking about. He's taken a pretty big stand against these things, but again I guess it's not substantive enough. You can laugh it off for now, but one day you might get to share the luxury of riding through a Chinese acquisition.

You're set in your ways for no real reason, just like everybody else.

I've gone to great lengths to showcase the reasons why I support the guy. I could go on and on about this shit. There's a lot good to offset the bad. To completely deny it all and vote for a criminal who is guaranteed to continue hurting us is depressing.

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