Just beat my very first Metroid game. Dread or Fusion next?

Okay so you're saying you need to reply to every notification? That's got to be rough. For me it's only when I get hyper fixated on a particular conversation. I kept pausing my podcast as I was driving because it was making it hard to think about what I was going to write and then I would remember that I turned on the podcast specifically to distract me during the drive. I don't have to worry about any other responsibilities for the rest of the day though so it's good that this won't keep me from anything else. I'm also less anxious about it than before so I can commit to helping you.

I'm joking about you needing to reply to every notification btw. But hey you're still replying to me and still making excuses.

You know another thing is that I used to have a lot of resentment towards people who were dealing with similar shit to me. Like it was always a struggle but I always managed because of coping methods I created that I didn't even know we're coping methods. And then I see someone else struggling and I would think "hey I know it's tough but if I could deal then you can too, so stop making excuses." I feel extremely guilty about that honestly. It's hard to give people the benefit of the doubt especially when you don't know anything about them. But I believe in empathy and compassion, and I want to help people now. It's easier to be happy when the people around you are too.

/r/Metroid Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it