Just finished my second reading of Gender Trouble.

I prefer just the facts, interpreted in a way that is parsimonious and reductionist.

why parsimonious and reductionist?

I further think the deployment of DSDs as some sort of hidden truth about extra genders

they're deployed to show that sex is not, in fact, binary. butler is anti-essentialist and doesn't think that there is a "hidden truth" to gender. the fact that they're called disorders shows how we impose binary gender to biology and treat variance as abnormal.

akin to presenting occasional babies born without legs or arms as proof that humans actually don't have two arms or two legs

i mean clearly all humans don't have two arms and two legs!

But of course the humans species is sexually dimorphic as you well know.

i don't in fact know this. the existence of intersex people seems to show that this is wrong.

Also, most people know that male and female in terms of their cultural stereotypes, which you call by the naturalizing name of gender, vary tremendously in history.

i'm sorry but how is gender naturalizing? it seems to me that the point of the term is to bring attention to the fact that these categories are always in flux.

no different to something like a Nationalist


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