Just found out that my (26m) fiancé (33f) is pregnant the day after I decided I wanted to end our relationship.

I echo what others are saying in that a baby won't fix a relationship that isn't working out and staying together for that reason will likely not work out well in the long run. But remember that it is your kid, and if she keeps it to make sure the discussions you have around child support, visitation (IF you decide you want to be a part of its life) etc etc are as respectful and mature as possible, even if she isn't able to do the same. It sounds like it's been a tough ride for you, but don't fuel her fire if the discussion doesn't go well, and try to be as civil about it as possible. (As hard as that can be sometimes). If she doesn't want it then no worries- but as a child of separated parents I personally wish my parents had not said the things about each other that they did to me or around me. I didn't need to know, and your kid deserves to be able to make their own judgements.

But all of that aside, make sure you take care of yourself, OP. It sounds like you deserve some time and space to yourself.

/r/offmychest Thread