Just got called a gay remoaner

Very much like maynard97, you consistently refute the irrefutable facts

How can I refute the irrefutable?

The proof I have is that you both posted the same bullshit anti-brexiteer fantasy,

I can't prove to you this happened, but it did. As for the other story, I can't speak to that.

The only difference was that they said they finished their law degree and moved to Dublin, you say you’re doing your law degree and are looking to move to Dublin.

As well as three other places. In fact, I'm actually looking to move to Cork, not Dublin.

The icing on the cake was to see maynard97 reply to your post in askmen.

I really don't see how that proves it's an alt. Why would I reply to my own post?

Maynard and Grenville were all notable for their ridiculous “this country is turning to shit” posts.

Plenty of people on this subreddit posts those.

Then there’s the fact that this account was created on the very same day that the previous one fell apart.

I've been on Maynard97's account and it's every much active.

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