I just got fired... and am perplexed.

I agree about the hours thing, I knew about it, first week I was there 6:45/6:50, then I started to realise I was coming in too early as the building security opens it up only at 7:05. Initially it was me, granny and the person training me starting at 7. The rest of the organization starts at 9am. Regardless, I shouldn't have taken that 5/10 minutes for granted, my error. Not something I could imagine being let go for...

I understand being on the phone isn't correct, when I say on the phone, I don't mean taking calls. And when I say, on it a lot, I don't mean slouching in my chair scrolling through Twitter or chatting with friends. Like, after finishing up my tasks for the day, I'd occasionally check my phone or reply to a text. After re-reading my post, I see I could be perceived as a kid messing about on his phone the entire day. I assure you, that was far from the truth.

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