Just got my GED, working a crappy job, what's the next step?

Community College. Most have open enrollment, meaning that if you apply, you get accepted. Do that. It should be free or dirt cheap - like 25 bucks. Do that tomorrow. If you decide not to go - whatever. But I bet it would feel like a million bucks to be accepted to a college and know that you could attend in winter or next fall if you wanted!

Next, you schedule to take a placement exam. These exams start easy and get harder and harder until you cannot go any further. This exam should be free. There is no pass or fail. These tests just place you in your basic courses (which might not be necessary).

Why relearn addition if you know it? You'd just get bored, skip class and fail. These test are designed to figure out where you know enough that it isn't boring, and are still challenging to keep you interested. I made it to basic Algebra and advanced English when I took my test - and I took it when unemployed already holding a 4 year degree!

The next step is financial aid. There are a bazillion loans, grants, and ways to pay for community college.

If you and your family cannot legitimately afford community college, as in you or they earn too little to put on a tax return, or you collect welfare - chances are it will be dirt cheap, like just a couple hundred bucks a semester with a work option, or it will be free. Some kids even end up earning a grand or two each semester due to grants.

So, apply. Take a placement test.

You know who gives the placement test? An advisor. When you are done with the test, you sit down and talk. You say, "I don't know how to pay for school!" And boom! The advisor will help you or direct you to someone who can help you.

You follow up on that, usually anytime after Jan 2 when Taxes can be put in and you are good to go. They will help you.

And when in doubt, ask. Remember that a community college is a State institution. The school is there to help you. So just ask for help, direction or even use the career services desk for help!

/r/AskReddit Thread