Is it just me or does dating advice for women enable narcissistic male behavior.

I do think there is some kind of complex interrelationship between misogyny, traditional gender roles and advice when it comes to dating, and male narcissism. I am trying to organize it all in my mind because it's a little bit complex. But, yes, maybe something to do with women needing to achieve some level of unattainable perfection in order to win the attraction of some high-status man and that taking priority over her own well-being, needs and wants as a person. This is why in dating now, I think I am trying to take an approach of being true to myself, my own values and health and needs, FIRST...before worrying about what this does to attract or not attract the man...I feel more powerful when there is a sense of the enthusiasm being equal on both sides vs. me having to "chase" the person in some way and be unsure if they like me back as much and blame myself for taking a misstep if I "scare them away" or don't successfully convince them to want me enough or something. I just want dating to be more like two people with equal levels of rights and needs and enthusiasm. Giving my power away or putting my self worth in someone else's hands is a recipe for trouble from the start...

/r/NarcissisticAbuse Thread