I just need someone to give me an answer besides grow up

You're not gonna like or perhaps even gonna understand what I'm about to tell you, but understand please that it comes from a place of experience and neutrality.

Stay away from her and her family.

You're young, you have your whole life ahead of you, and you can't possibly understand just how many people will come into your life and leave it just as quickly. Many of them will seem like the most important person you've ever had the good fortune of knowing, and some may even turn into what you will at the time believe is the worst thing to ever happen to anyone ever. What matters is you learn from the time you get together, and don't dwell on the fact that that time will always invariably come to an end for one reason or another.

Enjoy your life, my dude. Embrace the pain - because given enough time? It all fades, leaving behind only the lessons you took from it. Best of luck to you m8.

/r/Vent Thread