Just a reminder That this guy was completely useless which means any prequel he's involved in will also be useless by default.

I know I'm being overly dramatic here, maybe I'm still too annoyed with season 8 and how everything ended, but it really feels like D&D shit on and destroyed the entire GoT universe. The whole thing. I loved the earlier seasons when I first watched them and at that time GoT was my favorite television of all time. Now I can't even watch my previous favorites because I know where it all leads to, which is a giant raging shit-fest of a disaster, rendering much of the earlier seasons as a whole moot. It's all so pointless now.

Right around season 4/5 period I would have loved for prequels and spin-offs to be produced after the show ended, now I have absolutely zero interest.

Maybe I'm just being bitter, but damn season 8 really killed my interest.

/r/freefolk Thread Link - i.redd.it