Just started a job, and I got this letter recently. Im not a lawyer but isn’t this illegal? They also don’t give any of its employees breaks.

OP, please keep in mind if you plan to sue that you should consider deleting all social media posts about the illegal activities of your employer. They can be used against you in court. Even if you think it can’t be tied back to you, delete them anyway. Better safe than sorry. I know we all want updates and some want you to expose the company so we can avoid/boycott, but more importantly we want to make sure you’re protected.

Also, before you take my advice or anyone else’s advice online, please seek out a employment lawyer. Do not ask for legal advice on Reddit. No one, not even a lawyer, is qualified to answer your questions. A lawyer would tell you that this is beyond their scope and that you need to contact a lawyer asap.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it