I just subscribed to /r/the_donald. It confirmed my suspicions. If you subscribe to /r/the_donald you will automatically be banned from other subs.

Yeah, r/negareddit instantly bans too. I wasn't too bothered, they're both shitty subs and I wasn't subbed to either although I apparently left comments on both of them at some point I'm assuming.

It's pretty crazy, though. I didn't visit this sub for the longest time because the rest of reddit made it seem like it's a legitimately disgusting sub ran by racists... like, I thought it was some coontown type sub or something so I stayed far away.

Eventually made my way over after the election and realized it wasn't quite what everyone makes it out to be. That isn't to say I never come across some seriously messed up legitimately sexist or racist comments from time to time, but they aren't the spirit of the sub and aren't the norm.

Now if you're the type who thinks any sort of criticism against Islam , feminism, of blm is racist and bigoted, then I guess I can see how they get their opinions.

Either way, I think our sub is somewhat mild... it's just considered so extreme to the rest of this site since anything that steps an inch away from leftism is considered every -ism word you can think of.

I mean, that AltRight sub is way too much for me, and they even bash on our sub for being too progressive/welcoming and not racist enough lol.

/r/The_Donald Thread