Just unsubbed from r/unpopularopinion... or should I say r/validmyhate

I mean maybe this is because I'm a woman and obviously everything triggers me, but on a serious note, I'd draw the line here and say this is pretty sexist. I don't think I need to explain this, but drama oriented people aren't always women. I worked in some different environments, with both male/female workers and one with mainly females. I'm not saying I got all the experience in the world, but neither does OP of the post probably. What I'm saying is, I worked with men and women and never noticed a difference around drama. There's a good chance that OP is just a sexist dude who has drama problems, because he's the one who's dramatic, likely sexist in his work space. Drama attracts drama.

Obviously, those are a lot of assumptions, but I think this "unpopular" opinion is likely popular (amount of upvotes) and in my opinion stereotipical and sexist.

I'm not good at expressing myself but I hope you get what I mean.

/r/JustUnsubbed Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it