K12 Sysadmin Mental Health

I just discovered this sub. I came looking for a discussion on this very topic. I feel like this job is killing me. This is my 4th year and I am paid about $15 an hour, I'm often the only support around for a combined student and staff population of close to 1000 and well over 1500 pieces of equipment. I'm expected to handle everything from large scale tech distribution, in person individual training on software and apps, all the way down to in person helping teachers choose the right printer even though all the printers are named and easily identified. Every person I pass in the hall stops me to ask for something, sometimes even forming a queue standing around waiting for one person to stop talking to me so they can make their request. If I send out a group email with detailed instructions (and photos) on how to do something so I don't have touch every device, I get rude responses back and copy/pasted "I can't do this, can you come do it for me" messages knowing they didn't even try. I often have to say "no" more often than yes to requests because they fall out of the range of what I can/should be doing for my job, such as asking for extra equipment we don't have or preferential treatment. For the new year I have to get student tech ready before school starts but teachers want me to come room to room to set up everything for them instead of plugging in the cables themselves. I try to prioritize but no matter what I say if it's not jumping on the request it seems to be met with indifference at best and hostility at worst. 4 years and I've never received a kudos outside of other Techs. Everytime I switch schools the old staff tells me how much they miss me and how "bad" the new person is, I'm sure they tell that to whoever I'm replacing at the new school about me. It's so thankless and incredibly stressful. I don't know what to do anymore, I thought summer break would help me to recover but my health was already declining again a few days after going back to work. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the start of the new year.

/r/k12sysadmin Thread