Kansas Bill would restrict ATM withdrawals for welfare recipients to $25 a day, add lifetime limit of 36 months

I'm not one, but based on my family's views, here goes:

Ideal Conservative Utopia:

For starters, absolutely everyone goes to Christian church, every week, without exception. There, we will all sing songs and compete to be seen as the most straight-laced, loving, talented, attractive, successful, and of course, bible-believing! Our children will be protected from any culture that is not perfect, wonderful, happy, Godly, Christian, and beautiful. They will not say awful swear words or do filthy "bedroom things". They will refrain from any degenerate behaviors, such as concert-going or (gasp) partying! They will get married and produce us lots of grandchildren, all of whom will be missionaries or preachers. Oh, it will be lovely!

Our country will love its soldiers and its police above all others. After all, they're the ones who bring down punishment and retribution on those terrible people here and around the world who threaten our vision and pose such a danger to us! Merely defending us from threats is not enough--they have to be out there actively squashing out any potential threats, before they even theoretically may arise. Yes, this means some people who don't look or act much like us may die, but anything that happens is God's will, so we don't worry about it too much. The country has to remain strong, after all!

The most important thing is that everyone look and act like we do. Our tribe must be homogeneous and easily identifiable, so we don't get confused and accidentally start being good to people outside of it. Jesus said to love your enemies, but really...we think he's full of crap. We don't love--we admire. And what we admire most is the strong, "tough love" approach. Straighten those bastards out with force! Poor, degenerate drug heads should be flogged in public. Thieves should have their arms chopped off and we should return to the kind of justice system in the Old Testament, even though Jesus said an eye for an eye used to be how it was, but he came to proclaim the whole cheek turning business. Hogwash. I have never turned my cheek not even one time in my entire life. Make them pay, that's my motto!

Finally, we should give all our money to the church, so it can keep preaching this wonderful message we have! Did you know it even helps people, occasionally?? Yes, last year, we helped a few families in rather negligible ways and felt very proud of ourselves for it. Sometimes, we even send our children adventuring in foreign lands to tell those poor, starving, dying people about our message of hope before they inevitably pass away. And aren't they lucky! If we hadn't gotten there, they'd have burned in fire for all eternity (or just been wiped out of existence while the rest of us feel pure joy forever, whichever way you want to interpret the scripture). I sure am glad we weren't born there! Really lucked out on that one.

Vote Republican! This is what we mean by our country!

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