I never understood why Lesions Gu mines have to be invisible. There's literally no way to avoid them and they make a loud sound ontop of your character screaming which totally gives away your position. And they can be placed anywhere opening up a lot more possibilities to defend. And Lesion has an unlimited supply of the Gu mines, even though they do have a long recharge time so you'll usually only place 5-7 of them total. Yet Kapkan places these large boxes that project a rather visible red laser that is always visible, the only way you'd miss it is if you're rushing or just not paying attention. They can only be placed in doorways or windows, and has a limited supply. Sure they do a hell of a lot more damage instantly than a Gu mine does, but to me it seems like Lesion has a lot more versatility and utility with his gadget than Kapkan ever will currently.

/r/shittyrainbow6 Thread Link - i.redd.it