They keep us fighting with each other so we don't stand toghter!!

I am sure I am going to get downvoted for this but this is an honest question.

I worked a bunch of OT last year and made $200,000.

My health insurance is $25 a paycheck.

I own a townhouse in San Diego worth $900,000 on a 2.5% interest rate and have it about halfway paid off.

I have half a million in retirement accounts and am able to fully max it at $22,500 a year with no struggle whatsoever.

I also have 70k cash laying around in my checking account if any emergencies pop up.

Life is pretty fucking good for me and I did all of this with a 4th rate bachelor degree from a commuter university in the midwest and work a very middle class healthcare job in California.

(Basically paid the same pay scale as a registered nurse)

I will never be a billionaire, and I will never reach $10 million net worth.

But retiring in the $2-5 million net worth range is very realistic, and I did all of this with a disability and overcame so much adversity if they made a movie of my life it would probably make you cry for me.

Why would I want a revolution that would almost 100% guarantee I end up in a way worse financial situation then I am in now.

While my financial stats may seem eye popping to some of you in San Diego, CA those numbers are very mundane middle-middle class and there are millions of Americans doing way better then I am.

I think you guys grossly overestimate how many people are unhappy and how many people don’t want any of this nonsense.

Its not the billionaires vs everyone.

Its literally tens of millions of people like myself who overcame massive adversity and scratched and clawed our way, working 60 hours a week, into the upper middle class who do not want to lose a lifetime of hardwork.

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