Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Is Meddling and Altering Wedding Licenses, ACLU Says

No, it is called bigotry against gays disguised as religious compunction

This is bigoted hate bully speech against people of Faith disguised as politically correct populism.

If she believed in those christian laws as much as she says she does then she would have denied divorcees as well, to say nothing of not being divorced herself. She just wants to justify being a bigot. It hasn't worked.

You obviously don't understand that she found Christ after the divorces (

just wants to justify being a bigot. It hasn't worked. More bigoted Christianphobic hate speech from someone who won't tolerate anyone's faith if it doesn't agree with their own opinion

She may resign at any time. She chose a job where she must do things that conflict with her religion. She was free to do something else -and still is. No one is forcing her to work there.

Religious accommodations are constantly being given to people of faith and so should this. The solution remove marriage licenses from the govt or give her religious accommodation. That simple. Atheists clerks would scream bloody murder if they were forced to marry a catholic couple under the symbol of God.

The phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson wrote that the 1st Amendment erected a "wall of separation" between the church and the state (James Madison said it "drew a line," but it is Jefferson's term that sticks with us today). The phrase is commonly thought to mean that the government should not establish, support, or otherwise involve itself in any religion. However this is in the constitution (Congress cannot) prohibiting the free exercise thereof(religion); They are preventing her free exercise of religion. Religion does not stop at the doors of the church temple or mosque it is part of their daily lives. The bigoted democrats and Christianphobic gay supporters need to stop being so stubborn in targeting Christian beliefs.

The only bigoted opinions here are the bigoted opinions that don't tolerate religious accommodation.

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