Kids today will never know the struggle [OC]

Not trying to one-up you but this reminds me of the shenanigans my brother and I would pull to play World of Warcraft at night.

So we lived in a three story house- all the bedrooms were on the second floor, and about 10 feet down the hall from our parents bedroom door was a door leading to the attic- the attic was split via an odd half-sized door into an unfinished area, and our holy grail, the office, where the family computer sat more or less directly above our parents bedroom.

When we first moved into the house, it was just my brother, my dad and myself- mom stayed at the old house which they were having trouble selling. It was pizza and take out 5 nights a week, and our dad really couldn't be bothered to limit our computer time- these were the good times, WoW had just come out and we were enchanted, sucked in and having the time of our lives. We shared an account, and we'd take turns sneaking up to the third floor after dad had gone to sleep to play through the night. He was 14, I was 15 at this point, all was well and our characters became mighty heroes of Azeroth. Many times we'd both be up there, watching the other play and being nerdy until the wee hours of the morning. Like I said, the good times.

Less than a year later mom and my sister finally joined us in our new state, and with mom came all her draconian restrictions and hysterical reactions that I'd blissfully forgotten about. From day one computer time was strictly limited to one hour per day- if you remember dungeons like scholomance or upper blackrock spire, they often did not get done in an hour. Various enforcement policies were implemented, the first of which was putting a password on the computer. We were still able to play during the day under the guide of homework, but the password seriously impacted our overnight sessions. But we were determined, resourceful and probably a little addicted- eventually we found a way. By hard rebooting the computer, starting in safe mode, logging into the hidden administrator account, creating a new login, and rebooting we were once again able to get our requisite 6+ hours of wow at night. Of course the process had to be repeated to delete the new account as the sun came up, but working around the password only shaved about 20 minutes off of our overnight play time.

I don't think they ever figured out how we were getting around the password, but they eventually caught on that we were once again playing our games upstairs through the night. My mom leveraged this to convince dad to have a lock put on the door to the third floor. For my brother and I, this was an act of war. My bedroom had a tiny little window that opened onto the roof of the kitchen, and eventually we figured out that if we both stepped onto the roof, one could give the other a boost to clamber onto the next level and enter the unfinished attic through another tiny window, which we pretty much broke to get open. We continued like this for several months, but it was highly inconvenient. Mother's security measures were now seriously cutting into our WoW time, and eventually we both agreed: we had to steal the key.

It took us about two weeks of dedicated searching and snooping to find the key, and in that time we found plenty of other things we would rather have not discovered- dad's cock ring immediately comes to mind. But we persevered, and with the key in hand we felt that we had finally won, for good.

Our mom went to lock the door to the third floor that night, as she did every night. When she didn't find the key where she'd left it in her closet, she absolutely lost her shit. It was fairly late, I remember my brother and I were already in bed playing our gameboy SP's (which we had to buy secretly and keep hidden from her) until we could sneak upstairs for some sweet, sweet Warcraft. She demanded we come to the kitchen (it was her favorite place to tell at us and my dad) and tell her where we'd hidden the key, and only got more hysterical as we denied it and suggested she may have misplaced it. Meanwhile my dad was trying to calm her down, suggesting that we could figure this out tomorrow, etc etc. She did interrogate us individually over the next several weeks, but we knew we'd already won, dad wasn't going to install another damn lock on that door and her only key was neatly tucked away in my brother's closet. From that point on the door stayed unlocked, and we were once again free to sneak upstairs to play our WoW without the hassle of climbing around on the roof. She eventually gave up, but would continue to bring up that key in fights with my dad until they divorced about a year later. In retrospect we probably should have made a copy and put it back before she noticed.

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