Why the lack of technical questions in interviews?

Yeah, I feel you. It's completely stupid when someone like HR interview you for a position and they have zero idea of what it actually involves, or what questions to ask to see if you have what it takes above and beyond all other candidates.

Both my Manager and CISO have zero training or experience in IT.

Why? Because the boss ruled that IT will never be allowed to "self-manage".

That has made it incredibly difficult to explain why something happened, why I took a certain course of action, or why we need x or y for our organisation in order to do a task effectively.

Our CISO also babbles complete bullshit to other Staff about IT matters, using acronyms that don't make any sense (including to me) in the context that he is using them... Yet they get the higher Salary. Go figure...

A few years ago, I also had an IT Assistant-from-hell (supposedly with 15 years of experience) who basically lied his way through the job interview (one interview, out of only 2 candidates actually - not my decision), and this person was completely inept at his job.

This person also babbled complete bullshit not only to me, but other Staff too during the entire time he was with us. He simply couldn't tell the truth about anything.

He couldn't do even the most basic of tasks like share a folder, and his hands shook violently when trying to insert RAM into a Mainboard (he had never done it before, and snapped the RAM and broke the slot!).

Even when demonstrating that he couldn't fix IT issues for other Staff, including Management - Management still loved him and thought he was wonderful (and still do to this day!).

The guy even tried to get me fired so he could take my job! I tried reporting all of the things he couldn't do (and had completely stuffed-up) to Management eventually, but they wouldn't hear it and refused to believe me. I nearly got fired simply because I was making an issue of it, and although lots of other Staff were complaining to me about him, not one of them put it in writing to Management - when every one of them promised they would.

What can you do?

/r/sysadmin Thread