This lady's sign at the Vancouver Climate Change Rally.

I've got friends who think it's not real. The problem is they don't believe any scientific organizations. They think NASA is lying because one year a NASA graph showing global temperatures increasing was changed slightly to be more dramatic. Even though NASA explained why the data was changed/updated my friends obviously see through the ruse and know that a multi-billion dollar organization comprised of some of the smartest people on the planet isn't able to come up with a better plan to fake global warming data than literally editing a graph overnight and hoping nobody notices.

Also apparently there's like a few ex-astronaughts who said the data was exaggerated, and clearly they know the real truth, not these phony climatologists. Then they'll send me links to professors and other stand-alone scientists who 'disprove' global warming, but it's always some self-published book or an interview in a magazine or some shit. It's never anything peer reviewed.

But of course the reason those peer reviewed journals never publish 'the truth' is because all the scientists in the entire world have banded together to create this global warming hoax in order to further their own careers and justify their own budgets.

Also somehow the liberal agenda is involved and using global warming as a way to further regulate businesses and destroy capitalism.

The sad part is i'm only slightly exaggerating. For a while I was thinking hard about how I could try and turn their views around, but literally everything I'd use to in my argument they'd pass off as lies, faked data, misrepresented stats, etc.

How do you talk to somebody when they believe a politician more than a scientist about science?

/r/funny Thread Link -