Know you're RIGHTS! Police officers don’t like to hear these words: “Am I free to go?” – “I don’t consent to a search” – I’m going to remain silent.”

Anything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You!

Silence is not an admission of guilt and cannot be used against you in court.

Police officers will be videotaping and audio recording you. Police officers carry mics and/or video cameras and this is why you must NEVER talk to a police officer. You have every right NOT to talk to a police officer and you should NOT talk to a police officer unless you have first consulted with a lawyer and that lawyer has advised you differently. Police officers depend on fear andintimidation to get what they want and this includes giving up your rights. The government made a law that allows police officers to lie to American citizens. This is another reason not to trust the police or the Federal Government who are “the real terrorists to the American people.”

Never voluntarily talk to a police officer, there’s no such thing as a “friendly chat.” Let the police officer do all the talking and you stay silent. The Supreme Court has ruled that you should NOT talk to a police officer even if you have not been arrested. You must say out loud “I’m going to remain silent.” It can be very dangerous to talk to a police officer or a Federal Agent. Innocent people have talked to a police officer and ended up in jail and prison because they spoke to a police officer without an attorney before they were arrested.

Police officers have the same right as you, “Freedom of Speech.” Police officers have the right to ask you anything they want, but you should never answer any of their questions. Don’t let the police officer try and persuade you to talk! Say something like “I’m sorry, I don’t have time to talk right now.” If the cop insists on talking to you, ask him “am I free to go?” The police officer may not like when you refuse to talk and challenge you with words like, “If you don’t have anything to hide, then why won’t you speak with me? Say to the officer “I told you I don’t have time to talk to you right now, “am I free to go?” If you forget or the police officer tricks you into talking, it’s okay just start over again and tell the police officer “I’m going to remain silent.”

The Supreme Court has ruled that if a police officer doesn’t force you to do something, then you’re doing it “voluntarily.” This means if the police officer starts being a bully, intimidating you and you do what the cop “ask“ because you’re “afraid” the court ruled you still have done it voluntarily. (Florida v. Bostick, 1991) If you do what the police officer “ask you to do” such as allowing him to search your car or answer any questions, you’re voluntarily complying with his “requests.” So don’t comply just keep your mouth shut unless you say “Am I FREE to go?” or “I don’t consent to a search.”

Be as nice as possible to the police officer, but stand your ground on your rights! Where do some of your rights come from? Read the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

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