LAOP and his wife paid more than $10,000 to adopt a child. Turns out it was a scam.

It cost my friend money to have her baby.

And she is not entitled to having that cost paid off by someone else.

Where are all the women you're talking about, who are making money off of their pregnancies?

Apparently there's at least three of them, based on the comment that started this subthread.

You seem to have the impression that the large amounts of money are being paid to the pregnant women. They're not. They're paid to the agencies that match up the pregnant women with the people looking to adopt. The agencies are making money, not the mothers. That's what you don't seem to be understanding.

So it's good that we both agree it's a terrible thing. Do we also both agree that if a individual woman does the same thing these agencies do, she ought to give the money back? If the answer is "yes, she ought to give whatever money she took back" then hooray, we are in agreement and there's no reason to argue! And is the answer is "no, she is entitled to keeping this money" then I ask - why?

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