Thread: What Have You Been Listening To This Week? - June 07, 2017

The Suns Tirade was one of my to listen to list for fucking ever. Finally got around to it and absolutely loved it.

Had to give Wu-Tang Forever another listen since its anniversary was last week. 2 hours of hard ass rhymes never disappoints.

Had listened to Madvillainy and couldn't really get into outside of two songs. Tried again and I'm still not feeling it honestly.

Decided to listen to MMM..FOOD to see if I liked any of DOOMs other stuff but it still doesn't resonate with me all that much.

Took a 300 mile trip this last week and Summertime 06 was on rotation for most of that.

Listened to Trap Soul again since I was a little underwhelmed with True to self.

2 chainz is always on rotation for me and it had been a while since I've listened to this album. Gonna listen to more of his discography in anticipation for PGLTP.

Zoe is a Mexican rock band that I really enjoy. Just some really chill music to listen to as I fall asleep.

This strokes album is one of my favorite by them and I listen to it at least once a month.

/r/hiphopheads Thread