Last Jedi discussion: Why didn't you like it?

  • Superman Leia
  • Unnecessary casino planet subplot
  • Rose
  • Shoe-horned "Fuck the 1%!" and "We also saw Okja!" messages
  • Total lack of communication that drove the plot forward (casino subplot included)
  • Light speed kamikaze literally breaking space warfare
  • Cringe-worthy dialogue
  • Captain Phasma & Snoke both being completely wasted
  • Porgs only existing to sell toys
  • Finn's character arc of learning to be brave was ruined because Rose wanted to save him more than she wanted to save the rest of the Resistance
  • The kiss between Finn & Rose
  • "'s salt" basically saying that they changed the new salt planet JUST ENOUGH that it isn't Hoth
  • How the hell did Rey know to follow the salt foxes to find the Resistance?
  • Why couldn't the First Order jump to light speed to close the gap between their ships and the Resistance's ships?
  • Why did the First Order exclusively lob laser balls out of their guns (space catapults) instead of use other cannons or missiles?
  • Why wasn't the First Order monitoring for small vessels while the Resistance tried to escape? We just saw Poe use a small vessel to take down a fucking Dreadnaught.

Basically a lot of the tension & drama happened because people don't know how to communicate or because it was convenient to the plot. There's a lot more in addition to what I wrote.

/r/movies Thread