[WP] A blacksmith finds a hammer in a field. He uses it for his forging... turns out it's mjolnir

"Wait, stop!" He shouted the words as the other man pulled the trigger. A shotgun blast echoed in the confined workshop space as Brock lunged to snatch the weapon away. Except nothing happened. Well, a whole bunch of buckshot just fell to the workshop floor and rolled off in different directions.

"What. The. Fuck?"

He grinned and shrugged.

"I was making this for that art show and my grinder slipped but the wheel just shattered on the metal. So...I tested it."

He ran his hand over the smooth steel, not even a scratch or burn mark.

"Holy shit Erik, how the hell did you even make that?"

Erik held up a short handled hammer and the grin got even bigger. It was inscribed across the business end with what looked like runes.

"I found this in a field!"

Brock stared at him.

"You...you found it in a field? Who goes about grabbing hammers in fields and smithing with them? That's the weirdest thing I've ever said."

"How awesome is it? It's like...magical or something!"

Brock rubbed his eyes and wondered how hard Erik had been hit on the head. Maybe the hammer had fallen out of the sky on him. Seemed as likely.

"Erik, there's no such thing as -"

The crack of thunder interrupted Brock as a man stepped into the workshop, he was massive and dressed in armor and what Brock could only assume was a skirt, with long blonde hair and a chin that could probably split a boulder.

"Mortal!" the newcomer roared it, shaking the whole workshop, "I sensed that...wait...are you holding..."

There was a very, very long silence. Brock just stood between the two men and waited, watching the stranger stare at Erik holding the hammer.

"So...this is awkward." He finally said, shaking the long haired weirdo from his reverie.

"You will come with me mortals! I have questions that you will answer!"

Brock held up his hands and shook his head.

"No, definitely not. If Erik stole your hammer then you can talk to him about it, leave me out of-ah, shit."

The workshop was gone and all three stood on a platform inscribed with the same runes that covered the hammer. Erik was already crossing a very colourful bridge that almost looked like glass, following the long haired man who now held the hammer. Right where it was supposed to be.

Erik looked back.

"Are you coming Brock?"

Brock looked at the heavily armoured, scowling man with the very large sword and then to his best friend then back to the scowl.

Then at his friend.

Then back to the scowl. He raised an eyebrow and the scowl only became darker.

Brock sighed heavily and started walking.

"Yeah. I guess. It's not like it's every day you meet an Avenger, right?"

/r/WritingPrompts Thread