The last movie you watched and the last video game you played have now merged into reality. What's it like?

Persona 2 IS and Tombstone.

Mia trembled. She'd thought this Joker was just an urban legend--a man who appears and grants wishes when you call your own phone? You had to be joking. But then her sister had come home, the scar from the car accident two years ago completely vanished. There were stories going around school about other rumors coming true as well. If the stories were really true...

She stood before the bathroom mirror, her trembling hands clutching her phone. She checked again--yes, it was recording. Now. She steeled herself, and began:

"Wyatt Earp."


"Wyatt Earp."


"Wyatt Earp."


And it was as though he'd always been there. Looming over the teenage girl, his suit clean and pressed, his mustache neatly trimmed, he was the very image of a western gentleman. He muttered something, and Mia stumbled back. The look of mild confusion on the man's face turned to realization, then astonishment, then--he belted out a laugh.

"Well, I'll be damned!"

/r/AskReddit Thread