Last update: My gf has gone M.I.A.

Chill out. Other people are allowed to have beliefs other than your own.

Are you sure you're not the teenager? To me, your second paragraph reads as: "You don't have my exact thoughts and opinions, so you're the same as a scam that has made many people homeless". Are you seriously trying to use that as a comparison when you're on such a high horse? You preach science and intelligence, yet that's all you can come up with as a disagreement?

I'm not religious in the slightest btw. I just don't see the point in shitting on people for trying to be supportive. It doesn't matter if the person believes in a freaking hot dog! You know what the commenter was trying to go for, yet you decided you had to "correct" them.

Next time someone being spiritual triggers you, please sit somewhere, take a deep breath, and just scroll. It's not like they said anything harmful.

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