The latest trend

Bullshit. Plenty of people in past generations worked their way through college and yes, DURING THE SUMMER, (gasp) so that they had money for student loans and to you know. Live on their own.

Spot on. I graduated from University in the 80's. I worked each summer starting when I was 13, most of that went into my college savings. I worked every summer through college, fortunately I could, and did live with my parents those summers, so free room and board. It'd have been more fun to stay on campus and work. A university town is a blast in the summer. Alas, why pay rent if you have a parent (parents) who'll put you up?

I worked part time every year through school, generally about 20 hours. Then I had to take a year off and save up more money before my Senior year, as I'd have to keep my work hours really low with that class load.

It all worked out. I graduated debt free. Pretty much each and every one of my friends worked each summer, stayed with Mom and/or Pop, and saved that money for tuition and living expenses.

NO - I'm not saying "we did it you can too - ya whipper snappers!". I'm saying that working during the summer is NOT a new idea or concept, it's pretty much what folks have done for decades.

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