Le vinaigre blanc et le ménage à la maison

Cette réponse sur quora a l'air sérieuse. Personellement le vinaigre j'ai toujours vu que c'était bien contre le calcaire, mais par contre j'ai jamais utilisé pour laver ou désinfecter.

Raven Johnson, Independent, intensive health researcher Answered Nov 14, 2017 · Author has 71 answers and 53.8k answer views Bleach kills 100% of all bacteria on a hard, non-porous surface if left to sit on the surface for 10 minutes. Vinegar kills 100% of all gram-negative bacteria on a hard surface if left on the surface for 10 minutes, unless that bacteria has a biofilm. Gram-negative bacteria are bacteria that cause illness. Gram-positive bacteria are usually those that improve your health, such as those found in yogurt and honey. Soap will remove a bacteria's biofilm from a surface, so if a surface is washed with soap and then vinegar is left for 10 minutes before wiping, all gram-negative (pathogenic) bacteria on the surface will be killed. However, when using bleach, the surface must be cleaned first, because when chlorine bleach comes into contact with organic matte (such as skin, plants, pool, per, mold, etc.), it reacts, creating a gas in the room that is much more damaging to you then liquid bleach is, and the bleach that has reacted with the matter also does not disinfect. Therefore, vinegar will actually be more effective at cleaning your house, since you will only need to wash first if there is likely to be salmonella or e coli (which are the two potentially-worrying groups of species that make biofilm) on the surface that will cause illness, which is almost never likely, and since you also may miss spots if you wash the surface before using bleach.

Note: When I say 100%, I mean 100% of species. If you are going by the actual number of total individual bacteria-people, the number would be something like 99.7% for vinegar and 99.999999999+% for bleach, after 10 minutes. The leftover numbers in either case, if there are any, will not be enough to cause an illness.

In addition, bleach kills TOO MUCH bacteria, not leaving enough remnants, thereby significantly weakening your immune system.

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