League of Immaturity

Who knows. Even if one or two toxic people come hear, read it, and even just think "Hey, I do go over the edge sometimes, I guess I never really stopped to think that's another human being I'm telling to go kill themselves" ( I am generally not the receiver unless someones real nuts, I never talk in game because I can't be bothered to deal with stupidity. Except to say an objective or something, this is just what I see happen between team mates ).

I really just wish Riot would do more about it. Have trigger phrases/harsher/quicker punishments. I normally just blow these off as people having bad games or just the occasional looney- but it's everywhere recently, getting worse every season. It takes so much to get punished anymore.

This is coming from a reformed toxic player. I was super passive aggressive/nitpicked others performances because I was stupid and didn't want to accept the fact that, at that time, I sucked mechanically as well as in my decision making. After literally dozens upon dozens of warnings, I finally received a 1 week ban. I took it a bit further and just got off the game altogether, aside from watching OddOne, for a few months. I was salty when I got my ban at first, but it really helped me realize I was being too much of a prick over a game. Just the severity of these players though- I never once wished death upon someone, but I see someone doing it nowadays every few days- which is every few days too many, especially considering they aren't just going to go "Hey, this random game, I'm going to wish death upon a player" - it's generally extremely prominent in most of their games.

Idk, it's part Riots punishment system is slow, part human beings can just be awful.

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