At least 68 children among 126 killed' in bus bombing

Because they subscribe to a philosophy that is explicitly barbaric when literally interpreted.

Religions are nothing but cults determined to spread toxic culture.

If humanity wants to flourish in peace with one another then we must cast aside divisive and immoral agendas: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism alike.

Religions are simply excuses for specific ethnic groups to sieze autocratic control over other groups in order to enact and approved culture through violence.

Let's stop making excuses. It doesn't matter what religion you practice; you are implicitly laying down a foundation with which the "lesser races" "gentiles" "infidels" are driven into submission.

That is not how humans are supposed to interact. It doesn't matter what you believe; basic objective morality exists because we exist together. Murder, rape, theft, denial of freedom will always be utterly wrong.

The human religion is love. Traditional spirituality is defined by hate. It's time to move on, and it's especially time to deny that culture is sacred and that certain religions can't be criticized because of who practices it.

It doesn't matter if your brown or black or white or however you want to be defined. We're all just humans, and a refusal to hold standards against delusions only makes everything worse.

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